The latest instalment of our long running behind-the-scenes series is here...

Inside City 448 focuses on everything our players have been up to since returning from the recent international break.

That includes a home victory over Brighton before travelling to Switzerland for a Champions League win against BSC Young Boys.

We start the episode with the first training session back in Manchester, with many of our stars freshly back from warmer climes.


We then join up with our new eSports star Tekkz, who filmed his signing content at the CFA before going where the public couldn’t during our Premier League victory over Brighton.

Before flying off to Bern in the Champions League, our cameras also go behind-the-scenes in our Barclays Women’s Super League clash with Leicester, where City retained top spot with a hard-fought 1-0 win over the Foxes.

After that, it’s time for some media duties at the City Football Academy, including some Halloween pranks, before flying off to Switzerland to earn another three Champions League points.

Watch our latest special above...