Kyle Walker says each and every title is special for their own reasons.

The City defender, speaking after the 1-0 victory over Chelsea also says ending the home Premier League campaign with a victory was crucial, with so many big games still to come.

“It was very important to win,” said Walker.

“We have a good couple of weeks ahead of us (and four more games) before taking our foot off the gas.

“We were tremendous today. We’ve gone out and beat Chelsea.”

Walker, who skippered the side against the West Londoners, was asked which of the five titles he’s won with City has been his favourite.

He replied that each one was different - but equally special.

“Everyone has their own special memory,” he said.

“They’re all special. We have a fantastic bunch of lads.

“I thought after the World Cup, we beat Liverpool, that was a stamp.

“A lot of the lads were missing then. The manager was working hard with the lads who were here.

“From then on we believed we could do it. It just carried on from there.

“This group of lads are second to none. They’re professional. They’re winners.

“Rest assured we’re not finished. We will enjoy today and have a few glasses of champagne, then we move on and hopefully create history.”