Alanna Kennedy, Bunny Shaw and Julie Blakstad discuss what’s on their wish list this Christmas and reflect on the best present they’ve ever received.

The trio have helped Gareth Taylor’s side sign off for 2023 just three points off the Barclays Women’s Super League summit.

Our 4-1 win over Everton at Walton Hall Park ensured we went into the winter break in fine form, with a Shaw hat-trick and fine Jill Roord strike sealing the three points.

And with our next competitive fixture seeing us face Durham in the FA Cup on Sunday 14 January, the squad are taking advantage of a well-earned rest over the festive period.

Before they parted ways though, we asked Alanna, Bunny and Julie about their plans for the break, and for their favourite-ever gift.

Find out what they said below…

What’s on your Christmas wish list?

Alanna Kennedy

“I feel like it’s probably similar for a lot of people, the older you get, the less it’s about gifts. We have kids I the family, my nephews and niece and another on the way so I just love being able to spoil them. For me personally we do a secret Santa and I put in for some new swimwear. I do want some Ugg slippers though. I feel like I’ve got of those and probably don’t need them but they’re cool. I probably won’t wear them together, but one for each climate.”

Bunny Shaw

“Christmas is my favourite time of the year, obviously in Jamaica it never gets cold so it’s always sunny for me! For me Christmas is about spending quality time with the family. Obviously, I played at the World Cup and only got a few days off, so going home this Christmas, spending time with family and going to different places I’ve never been before so I can take my mind not only away from football but also do something I wouldn’t normally do. It definitely helps for the new year coming in. That’s what my Christmas is going to look like.”

Julie Blakstad

“I’m more really excited to see my family (than receive presents) and have nice food, hopefully go skiing a little bit and have snow, sit in front of the fireplace with a hot chocolate. I think that’s what I’m looking forward to about Christmas, I feel like presents are more for when you’re younger and it’s more exciting to give presents now.”

What’s the best present you’ve ever received?

Alanna Kennedy

“Probably the most sentimental gift I received was a few years ago my mum put together a family recipe cookbook. That was really nice, obviously living away from home, a lot of them are from my parents or grandparents, who are no longer with us. It’s that nice connection to home so that’s probably one of my favourites.”


Bunny Shaw

“I’d probably say a basketball. When I was younger there was a basketball court and a football field alongside each other and sometimes I’d be bouncing the ball, sometimes I’d kick it. I said to my dad ‘can I have a ball’ and when Christmas came, he bought me a basketball. I asked why he didn’t get me a football and he said because it’s bigger and you can kick and bounce it. That got me even more involved with football because I’d kick the basketball. I think that was one of my favourite presents because I was able to do both with it. I really enjoyed that gift.”

Julie Blakstad

“That’s a hard one… me, my brother and sister got an electric piano (keyboard) as a shared present, we really liked that. I play little bit, but I’m not very good, I have a guitar too that I play. But other than that, I really like outdoors things so maybe some skis or something.”